TMS Selection: Who Should Be Involved with TMS Selection?

Making the Best TMS Selection

The transportation management system (TMS) is the lifeblood of operations within the supply chain industry. A TMS provides freight management, route optimization, and much more. However, with so many options available, you can easily make common mistakes during TMS selection

Since TMS selection affects nearly every level of an organization, it is important to consult those who will be utilizing the system. To select the best transportation management system, consult a few leaders and core individuals in your business when establishing a change management team.

In this blog, we discuss which TMS selection stakeholders should be involved in the decision. For additional guidance, download our TMS Selection Checklist.

TMS Selections Stakeholders

The Chief Financial Officer

One of the most important employees to consult in TMS selection is the chief financial officer (CFO). 

A CFO has access to all of the financial data needed for consideration within the selection process. There are numerous costs associated with TMS operation and sustainability. Involving the CFO ensures that all financial matters are considered.

Supply Chain Strategy Officer

The Supply Chain Strategy Officer has the most remarkable insight into what needs the TMS must fulfill. Additionally, the individual in this role is keenly aware of what systems will benefit the company. The Supply Chain Strategy Officer has an incredibly dense understanding of the company’s supply chain operations. 

Ultimately, their knowledge is vital in the selection process.

Warehouse, Distribution, or Supply Chain Directors

Warehouse and distribution managers have access to the individual warehouse needs and will likely understand what the TMS should prioritize. This ensures that the TMS is consistently beneficial at every level of the company’s operations.

Everyday Workers

Many businesses fail to understand that the everyday workers within their company have ground-level insight needed in TMS selection. 

While it is not practical or necessary to involve every employee in the selection process, these individuals’ opinions must be heard. Additionally, involving lower-level employees in companywide decisions improves morale. Not only will everyday workers offer valuable insight into the TMS selection process, but they are likely to feel more involved and more willing to adopt new technology. 

While not commonly discussed within the TMS buyer’s journey, these workers have real-world insight that is critical to making the right choice.

Director of Operations

The Director of Operations can offer precious information regarding what the customers want from the business. Once this is established and incorporated into TMS selection, companies can make a decision that will likely boost customer interaction and retention.

Marketing Personnel and the CIO or Information Technology Director

Lastly, along with the CIO or Information Technology Director, marketing personnel should be involved in TMS selection. This prepares the marketing team to know how to identify and describe the benefits of the new system to partners and potential customers.

Including the CIO or IT director helps you choose a TMS that checks all the cyber security boxes, as well.

Enhance TMS Selection by Building the Right Change Management Team

It is important to realize that some of the above individuals may serve dual roles depending on the size and scale of your business. 

For instance, the Director of Operations may double as the Director of Transportation or the Vice President of Supply Chain Operations. Meanwhile, the Executive champion could also be the CFO, the Owner/Founder, or even the CIO. It’s all subject to the unique needs of the business. Moreover, some organizations may opt for name differences in comparable roles, such as Supply Chain Strategy Officer versus Supply Chain Director.

Regardless, all tiers of staff involvement in TMS selection ensures that the best decision is made for the financial side, the employee side and the customer side. 

There is a great need to create a diverse change management team so that all the company’s needs are taken into consideration. Make TMS selection easier by establishing a solid and reliant team at inception.

Still wondering if it is time for a TMS? Read this blog with signs it is time to consider a transportation platform, then schedule a demo for a deep dive into the MercuryGate solutions.

When you’re ready to begin your TMS RFP submission, we’re ready to help you through the process.

Need more support in your TMS Buyer’s Journey? Download our eBook.

Get more support on your TMS Selection Journey.


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